Princeton Real Estate | Alan Greenspan Versus Ben Bernanke
Alan Greenspan?s management of the economic affairs of the United States has not been as effective compared to Ben Bernanke who has proved to be a more prudent Central Banker of the country having made use of myriad policy tools to maintain the objectives of controlling inflation and maintaining employment.
Alan Greenspan was nominated as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in 1987 by the then President Ronald Reagan. Greenspan served five terms as the Chairman until 2006 when has succeeded by Ben Bernanke. This was just the time when the real estate bubble had begun to deflate.
The style adopted by Alan Greenspan in running the economic affairs of the U.S. through his office of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve earned him the nickname of ?the Oracle?. A positive statement by Greenspan about the economic growth or interest rates resulted in soaring stock markets. Contrariwise, an insinuation of pessimism regarding employment or financial market outlook had an exactly opposite effect. Greenspan had his own peculiar way of communicating metaphorically.
Greenspan has been heavily criticized for his too-low-for-too-long kind of strategy toward interest rates. In the backdrop of 9/11 and the internet bubble, Greenspan dropped interest rates too low for too long which fuelled the housing market with cheap money, thereby promoting appetite for risk on the part of bankers waiting for an opportunity to earn hefty returns. According to what Greenspan believed, had he taken an austerity stance on the monetary policy, it would have had a negative impact on the economy and could have possibly generated a 10% unemployment rate. Rapid boost in short-term rates could not have prevented the euphoria in the real estate market, rather it would have created an even bigger problem. Greenspan is criticized for his willingness to cut rates and reluctance to reverse those cuts which resulted in the epic stock bubble countering which took 13 rate cuts and three tax cuts in order to get the economy going again which later down the road led to a bigger housing bubble.
In his speech in 2005 to the bankers in Chicago, Greenspan was quoted as saying, ?The development of credit derivatives has contributed to the stability of the banking system by allowing banks, especially the largest, systemically important banks, to measure and manage their credit risks more effectively?. Greenspan believed that derivatives should not be regulated because these are transactions amongst professionals who have the technical know-how of these products and the institutions involved in derivatives have considerable counterparty surveillance. So conceivably, the institutions and professionals know more than the regulators. At that time, other figures like Warren Buffett and George Soros had already started warning investors on the dangers of derivatives. Derivatives, also termed as financial weapons of mass destruction, inevitably led to the financial crisis. As the world knows today, derivatives, primarily collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), caused the sub-prime mortgage crisis, fuelling the contagion effect and driving the financial markets in southerly direction. In early 2010, Bernanke in his speech referred to the use of exotic types of mortgages together with a decline in the underwriting standards as being the main culprit for the housing boom.
Bernanke was assigned the responsibility of chairing the Federal Reserve by President George W. Bush in February 2006. Since his appointment, Bernanke has faithfully retained the policies of his immediate predecessor to control inflation and maintain employment. However, deviation in his style and methodology was evidenced when the market for sub-prime mortgages collapsed in 2007. Since then, Bernanke has been actively pursuing myriad tools to stabilize the financial markets that have been crippled across the globe due to contagion effect. Bernanke?s intervention in the Wall Street has been substantial and an intervention of such an extent has never been evidenced before. Some of the measures pursued by the fifty-four year old former professor at Princeton University include:
? Cutting interest rates to stimulate the economy;
? Establishing new lending programs;
? Extending substantial financial assistance to troubled financial firms;
? Buying debt issued by industrial corporations such as General Electric; and
? Taking distressed mortgage assets onto the Fed?s books.
Bernanke has been appreciated by the supporters as well as the opponents for possessing the audacity to undertake bold decisions especially having inherited an unprecedented housing bubble and an unsustainable borrowing spree. Bernanke?s audacity can be exemplified through his efforts to facilitate the takeover of Bear Stearns by J.P. Morgan which involved the acquisition of twenty-nine billion dollars worth of distressed mortgage assets of Bear Stearns.
I believe that Bernanke has been able to handle the economic problems more effectively and efficiently. The aggressive policy tools adopted to counter the unprecedented housing bubble and an unsustainable borrowing spree have so far been able to provide a breather to the financial markets. On the contrary, Greenspan was the man behind financial deregulation who also resisted calls for tighter government oversight of financial products such as over-the-counter derivatives, and fuelled the growth of sub-prime mortgages. It is now evident that the concept of self-regulation badly failed. Extending mortgages to unqualified lenders and accumulating large inventories of sub-prime mortgages resulted in the failure of a number of banks and financial institutions.
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Ads By Google?);for(i=0;i
?);}]]>]]>Vinod Sitani
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ByVinod Sitani
Alan Greenspan?s management of the economic affairs of the United States has not been as effective compared to Ben Bernanke who has proved to be a more prudent Central Banker of the country having made use of myriad policy tools to maintain the objectives of controlling inflation and maintaining employment.
Alan Greenspan was nominated as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in 1987 by the then President Ronald Reagan. Greenspan served five terms as the Chairman until 2006 when has succeeded by Ben Bernanke. This was just the time when the real estate bubble had begun to deflate.
The style adopted by Alan Greenspan in running the economic affairs of the U.S. through his office of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve earned him the nickname of ?the Oracle?. A positive statement by Greenspan about the economic growth or interest rates resulted in soaring stock markets. Contrariwise, an insinuation of pessimism regarding employment or financial market outlook had an exactly opposite effect. Greenspan had his own peculiar way of communicating metaphorically.
Greenspan has been heavily criticized for his too-low-for-too-long kind of strategy toward interest rates. In the backdrop of 9/11 and the internet bubble, Greenspan dropped interest rates too low for too long which fuelled the housing market with cheap money, thereby promoting appetite for risk on the part of bankers waiting for an opportunity to earn hefty returns. According to what Greenspan believed, had he taken an austerity stance on the monetary policy, it would have had a negative impact on the economy and could have possibly generated a 10% unemployment rate. Rapid boost in short-term rates could not have prevented the euphoria in the real estate market, rather it would have created an even bigger problem. Greenspan is criticized for his willingness to cut rates and reluctance to reverse those cuts which resulted in the epic stock bubble countering which took 13 rate cuts and three tax cuts in order to get the economy going again which later down the road led to a bigger housing bubble.
In his speech in 2005 to the bankers in Chicago, Greenspan was quoted as saying, ?The development of credit derivatives has contributed to the stability of the banking system by allowing banks, especially the largest, systemically important banks, to measure and manage their credit risks more effectively?. Greenspan believed that derivatives should not be regulated because these are transactions amongst professionals who have the technical know-how of these products and the institutions involved in derivatives have considerable counterparty surveillance. So conceivably, the institutions and professionals know more than the regulators. At that time, other figures like Warren Buffett and George Soros had already started warning investors on the dangers of derivatives. Derivatives, also termed as financial weapons of mass destruction, inevitably led to the financial crisis. As the world knows today, derivatives, primarily collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), caused the sub-prime mortgage crisis, fuelling the contagion effect and driving the financial markets in southerly direction. In early 2010, Bernanke in his speech referred to the use of exotic types of mortgages together with a decline in the underwriting standards as being the main culprit for the housing boom.
Bernanke was assigned the responsibility of chairing the Federal Reserve by President George W. Bush in February 2006. Since his appointment, Bernanke has faithfully retained the policies of his immediate predecessor to control inflation and maintain employment. However, deviation in his style and methodology was evidenced when the market for sub-prime mortgages collapsed in 2007. Since then, Bernanke has been actively pursuing myriad tools to stabilize the financial markets that have been crippled across the globe due to contagion effect. Bernanke?s intervention in the Wall Street has been substantial and an intervention of such an extent has never been evidenced before. Some of the measures pursued by the fifty-four year old former professor at Princeton University include:
? Cutting interest rates to stimulate the economy;
? Establishing new lending programs;
? Extending substantial financial assistance to troubled financial firms;
? Buying debt issued by industrial corporations such as General Electric; and
? Taking distressed mortgage assets onto the Fed?s books.
Bernanke has been appreciated by the supporters as well as the opponents for possessing the audacity to undertake bold decisions especially having inherited an unprecedented housing bubble and an unsustainable borrowing spree. Bernanke?s audacity can be exemplified through his efforts to facilitate the takeover of Bear Stearns by J.P. Morgan which involved the acquisition of twenty-nine billion dollars worth of distressed mortgage assets of Bear Stearns.
I believe that Bernanke has been able to handle the economic problems more effectively and efficiently. The aggressive policy tools adopted to counter the unprecedented housing bubble and an unsustainable borrowing spree have so far been able to provide a breather to the financial markets. On the contrary, Greenspan was the man behind financial deregulation who also resisted calls for tighter government oversight of financial products such as over-the-counter derivatives, and fuelled the growth of sub-prime mortgages. It is now evident that the concept of self-regulation badly failed. Extending mortgages to unqualified lenders and accumulating large inventories of sub-prime mortgages resulted in the failure of a number of banks and financial institutions.
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?;} document.write(? + s + ?
?); return;}google_ad_client = ?pub-3754405753000444?;//EA-News and Society Economics 160google_ad_channel = ?7011432355?;google_ad_output = ?js?;google_max_num_ads = ?7?;google_ad_type = ?text?;google_feedback = ?on?;google_hints = ?greenspan financial bernanke derivatives bubble rates housing mortgages?;google_ad_region = ?test?;// ?>]]>Get Involved0 comments
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Ads By Google?);for(i=0;i ?);}]]>]]>Ads by Google ?;s += ? ?);return;}google_ad_client = ?pub-3754405753000444?;//2008-03-18: EA- ROS google_ad_channel = ?1904239528?;google_ad_output = ?js?;google_ad_type = ?image?;google_image_size = ?300?250?;google_feedback = ?on?;google_hints = ?alan greenspan versus bernanke, US Economy, Ben Bernanke, Alaln Greenspan, Accountability?;google_ad_region = ?test?;// ?>]]> ? 2011 Click here to view rest of article from original site Tags: Alaln Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, US Economy Linux 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.028stab068.5 #1 SMP Mon Mar 15 19:26:36 MSK 2010 x86_64Recent Articles
?; document.write(?+s+?
Sitani, Vinod?Alan Greenspan Versus Ben Bernanke.?Alan Greenspan Versus Ben Bernanke.19 Nov. Sep. 2011>.
Sitani, V. (2010, November 19). Alan Greenspan Versus Ben Bernanke. Retrieved September 18, 2011, from
Sitani, Vinod ?Alan Greenspan Versus Ben Bernanke.? Alan Greenspan Versus Ben
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Princeton Real Estate | Alan Greenspan Versus Ben Bernanke
Alan Greenspan?s management of the economic affairs of the United States has not been as effective compared to Ben Bernanke who has proved to be a more prudent Central Banker of the country having made use of myriad policy tools to maintain the objectives of controlling inflation and maintaining employment.
Alan Greenspan was nominated as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in 1987 by the then President Ronald Reagan. Greenspan served five terms as the Chairman until 2006 when has succeeded by Ben Bernanke. This was just the time when the real estate bubble had begun to deflate.
The style adopted by Alan Greenspan in running the economic affairs of the U.S. through his office of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve earned him the nickname of ?the Oracle?. A positive statement by Greenspan about the economic growth or interest rates resulted in soaring stock markets. Contrariwise, an insinuation of pessimism regarding employment or financial market outlook had an exactly opposite effect. Greenspan had his own peculiar way of communicating metaphorically.
Greenspan has been heavily criticized for his too-low-for-too-long kind of strategy toward interest rates. In the backdrop of 9/11 and the internet bubble, Greenspan dropped interest rates too low for too long which fuelled the housing market with cheap money, thereby promoting appetite for risk on the part of bankers waiting for an opportunity to earn hefty returns. According to what Greenspan believed, had he taken an austerity stance on the monetary policy, it would have had a negative impact on the economy and could have possibly generated a 10% unemployment rate. Rapid boost in short-term rates could not have prevented the euphoria in the real estate market, rather it would have created an even bigger problem. Greenspan is criticized for his willingness to cut rates and reluctance to reverse those cuts which resulted in the epic stock bubble countering which took 13 rate cuts and three tax cuts in order to get the economy going again which later down the road led to a bigger housing bubble.
In his speech in 2005 to the bankers in Chicago, Greenspan was quoted as saying, ?The development of credit derivatives has contributed to the stability of the banking system by allowing banks, especially the largest, systemically important banks, to measure and manage their credit risks more effectively?. Greenspan believed that derivatives should not be regulated because these are transactions amongst professionals who have the technical know-how of these products and the institutions involved in derivatives have considerable counterparty surveillance. So conceivably, the institutions and professionals know more than the regulators. At that time, other figures like Warren Buffett and George Soros had already started warning investors on the dangers of derivatives. Derivatives, also termed as financial weapons of mass destruction, inevitably led to the financial crisis. As the world knows today, derivatives, primarily collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), caused the sub-prime mortgage crisis, fuelling the contagion effect and driving the financial markets in southerly direction. In early 2010, Bernanke in his speech referred to the use of exotic types of mortgages together with a decline in the underwriting standards as being the main culprit for the housing boom.
Bernanke was assigned the responsibility of chairing the Federal Reserve by President George W. Bush in February 2006. Since his appointment, Bernanke has faithfully retained the policies of his immediate predecessor to control inflation and maintain employment. However, deviation in his style and methodology was evidenced when the market for sub-prime mortgages collapsed in 2007. Since then, Bernanke has been actively pursuing myriad tools to stabilize the financial markets that have been crippled across the globe due to contagion effect. Bernanke?s intervention in the Wall Street has been substantial and an intervention of such an extent has never been evidenced before. Some of the measures pursued by the fifty-four year old former professor at Princeton University include:
? Cutting interest rates to stimulate the economy;
? Establishing new lending programs;
? Extending substantial financial assistance to troubled financial firms;
? Buying debt issued by industrial corporations such as General Electric; and
? Taking distressed mortgage assets onto the Fed?s books.
Bernanke has been appreciated by the supporters as well as the opponents for possessing the audacity to undertake bold decisions especially having inherited an unprecedented housing bubble and an unsustainable borrowing spree. Bernanke?s audacity can be exemplified through his efforts to facilitate the takeover of Bear Stearns by J.P. Morgan which involved the acquisition of twenty-nine billion dollars worth of distressed mortgage assets of Bear Stearns.
I believe that Bernanke has been able to handle the economic problems more effectively and efficiently. The aggressive policy tools adopted to counter the unprecedented housing bubble and an unsustainable borrowing spree have so far been able to provide a breather to the financial markets. On the contrary, Greenspan was the man behind financial deregulation who also resisted calls for tighter government oversight of financial products such as over-the-counter derivatives, and fuelled the growth of sub-prime mortgages. It is now evident that the concept of self-regulation badly failed. Extending mortgages to unqualified lenders and accumulating large inventories of sub-prime mortgages resulted in the failure of a number of banks and financial institutions.
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0){parent.location.href = self.document.location;}]]>
? News and Society
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Ads By Google?);for(i=0;i
?);}]]>]]>Vinod Sitani
BasicAuthor|1 Article
Joined: November 19, 2010Was this article helpful?00
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?;for(i = 0; i = google_ads.length) { break; }s0 += ?? +?? + google_ads[i].line1 + ? ? +?? + google_ads[i].line2 + ? ? + google_ads[i].line3 + ? ? +?? + google_ads[i].visible_url + ?
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?;for(i = 3; i = google_ads.length) { break; }s1 += ?? +?? + google_ads[i].line1 + ?
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?;}s1 = ? + s1 + ?
?; if(document.getElementById(?ad-4?)) { document.getElementById(?ad-4?).innerHTML = s1;}} }]]>]]>
ByVinod Sitani
Alan Greenspan?s management of the economic affairs of the United States has not been as effective compared to Ben Bernanke who has proved to be a more prudent Central Banker of the country having made use of myriad policy tools to maintain the objectives of controlling inflation and maintaining employment.
Alan Greenspan was nominated as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in 1987 by the then President Ronald Reagan. Greenspan served five terms as the Chairman until 2006 when has succeeded by Ben Bernanke. This was just the time when the real estate bubble had begun to deflate.
The style adopted by Alan Greenspan in running the economic affairs of the U.S. through his office of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve earned him the nickname of ?the Oracle?. A positive statement by Greenspan about the economic growth or interest rates resulted in soaring stock markets. Contrariwise, an insinuation of pessimism regarding employment or financial market outlook had an exactly opposite effect. Greenspan had his own peculiar way of communicating metaphorically.
Greenspan has been heavily criticized for his too-low-for-too-long kind of strategy toward interest rates. In the backdrop of 9/11 and the internet bubble, Greenspan dropped interest rates too low for too long which fuelled the housing market with cheap money, thereby promoting appetite for risk on the part of bankers waiting for an opportunity to earn hefty returns. According to what Greenspan believed, had he taken an austerity stance on the monetary policy, it would have had a negative impact on the economy and could have possibly generated a 10% unemployment rate. Rapid boost in short-term rates could not have prevented the euphoria in the real estate market, rather it would have created an even bigger problem. Greenspan is criticized for his willingness to cut rates and reluctance to reverse those cuts which resulted in the epic stock bubble countering which took 13 rate cuts and three tax cuts in order to get the economy going again which later down the road led to a bigger housing bubble.
In his speech in 2005 to the bankers in Chicago, Greenspan was quoted as saying, ?The development of credit derivatives has contributed to the stability of the banking system by allowing banks, especially the largest, systemically important banks, to measure and manage their credit risks more effectively?. Greenspan believed that derivatives should not be regulated because these are transactions amongst professionals who have the technical know-how of these products and the institutions involved in derivatives have considerable counterparty surveillance. So conceivably, the institutions and professionals know more than the regulators. At that time, other figures like Warren Buffett and George Soros had already started warning investors on the dangers of derivatives. Derivatives, also termed as financial weapons of mass destruction, inevitably led to the financial crisis. As the world knows today, derivatives, primarily collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), caused the sub-prime mortgage crisis, fuelling the contagion effect and driving the financial markets in southerly direction. In early 2010, Bernanke in his speech referred to the use of exotic types of mortgages together with a decline in the underwriting standards as being the main culprit for the housing boom.
Bernanke was assigned the responsibility of chairing the Federal Reserve by President George W. Bush in February 2006. Since his appointment, Bernanke has faithfully retained the policies of his immediate predecessor to control inflation and maintain employment. However, deviation in his style and methodology was evidenced when the market for sub-prime mortgages collapsed in 2007. Since then, Bernanke has been actively pursuing myriad tools to stabilize the financial markets that have been crippled across the globe due to contagion effect. Bernanke?s intervention in the Wall Street has been substantial and an intervention of such an extent has never been evidenced before. Some of the measures pursued by the fifty-four year old former professor at Princeton University include:
? Cutting interest rates to stimulate the economy;
? Establishing new lending programs;
? Extending substantial financial assistance to troubled financial firms;
? Buying debt issued by industrial corporations such as General Electric; and
? Taking distressed mortgage assets onto the Fed?s books.
Bernanke has been appreciated by the supporters as well as the opponents for possessing the audacity to undertake bold decisions especially having inherited an unprecedented housing bubble and an unsustainable borrowing spree. Bernanke?s audacity can be exemplified through his efforts to facilitate the takeover of Bear Stearns by J.P. Morgan which involved the acquisition of twenty-nine billion dollars worth of distressed mortgage assets of Bear Stearns.
I believe that Bernanke has been able to handle the economic problems more effectively and efficiently. The aggressive policy tools adopted to counter the unprecedented housing bubble and an unsustainable borrowing spree have so far been able to provide a breather to the financial markets. On the contrary, Greenspan was the man behind financial deregulation who also resisted calls for tighter government oversight of financial products such as over-the-counter derivatives, and fuelled the growth of sub-prime mortgages. It is now evident that the concept of self-regulation badly failed. Extending mortgages to unqualified lenders and accumulating large inventories of sub-prime mortgages resulted in the failure of a number of banks and financial institutions.
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?;} document.write(? + s + ?
?); return;}google_ad_client = ?pub-3754405753000444?;//EA-News and Society Economics 160google_ad_channel = ?7011432355?;google_ad_output = ?js?;google_max_num_ads = ?7?;google_ad_type = ?text?;google_feedback = ?on?;google_hints = ?greenspan financial bernanke derivatives bubble rates housing mortgages?;google_ad_region = ?test?;// ?>]]>Get Involved0 comments
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Ads By Google?);for(i=0;i ?);}]]>]]>Ads by Google ?;s += ? ?);return;}google_ad_client = ?pub-3754405753000444?;//2008-03-18: EA- ROS google_ad_channel = ?1904239528?;google_ad_output = ?js?;google_ad_type = ?image?;google_image_size = ?300?250?;google_feedback = ?on?;google_hints = ?alan greenspan versus bernanke, US Economy, Ben Bernanke, Alaln Greenspan, Accountability?;google_ad_region = ?test?;// ?>]]> ? 2011 Click here to view rest of article from original site Tags: Alaln Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, US Economy Linux 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.028stab068.5 #1 SMP Mon Mar 15 19:26:36 MSK 2010 x86_64Recent Articles
?; document.write(?+s+?
Sitani, Vinod?Alan Greenspan Versus Ben Bernanke.?Alan Greenspan Versus Ben Bernanke.19 Nov. Sep. 2011>.
Sitani, V. (2010, November 19). Alan Greenspan Versus Ben Bernanke. Retrieved September 18, 2011, from
Sitani, Vinod ?Alan Greenspan Versus Ben Bernanke.? Alan Greenspan Versus Ben
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