Tuesday, November 8, 2011

With Love

? With Love ?

? Plot ?
Arianna Grant just moved to Austin, Texas. Her father was a travel agent, and he had been offered a job there, something far much better and more-paying then where we was now. So they packed up and moved. Was Arianna and her twin sister, Tabatha*, angry? You bet. Did their parents seem to mind they were upset? Not really. The girls didn't make much of a fuss, though, they knew it was better for them, and that they would be living in a much better house, hell, anything was better then their small 3-bedroom trailer back in Ohio. Both girls were just about to start off being seniors, and this year, they would be starting off senior year in a new school, new town, and new house. The two sisters were close, and they always have been, sure they had their fight or two, but other then that, they were inseparable.

Two weeks after moving in, the girls start school. Quickly, they make new friends, and then meet news guys. There's this one special guy, however. He's the heartthrob hottie at McKinley High. His name is Trevor Kines*. Every girl wanted him, most of the guys wanted to be him, he was just that great and popular. And he caught both sisters' attention. Both girls' wanted him, along with half the school. And he took an interest to not just one of them, but both. A couple of the male friends the girls made, Derek* and Isaac*, could see right through Trevor, they knew how he was, and knew what he was doing to the twins... just trying to get in their pants and use them. Another thing, these boys had a crush on the girls (I'll let the people wanting to play the boys whose which), but of course they were of lower-class and never figured the girls would go for guys like them, but of course, you'd be surprised.

This is a story of two twins who both like the same hottie, and two guys trying to pry them away from him, and they're new friends jealous and envious of the situation, what will happen? Will the girls heed the warnings, and get real attention and affection from David and Isaac, or will it be too late? Only you can tell.

*= Names can be changed to your liking.
Note: Everyone in this RP will have a crush/BF/GF/whatever, except for Trevor. He's a "player".

? Characters ?
Arianna Grant. 17 years old. Junior. Has a twin sister. Crushing on the "hottie". Played by: Aika
Tabatha Grant*. 17 years old. Junior. Has a twin sister. Also crushing on the "hottie". Played by:
Trevor Kines*. 18 years old. Senior. Wants both twins. The school player. Played by:
David White*. 18 years old. Senior. Crushing on __ (your choice). Played by:
Isaac Lowe*. 18 years old. Senior. Crushing on __ (your choice). Played by:
Female Friend. 17 years old. Junior. Crushing on __ (one of male friend). Played by:
Female Friend. 16 years old. Sophomore. Crushing on __ (one of male friend). Played by:
Male Friend. 18 years old. Senior. Crushing on __ (female friend). Played by:
Male Friend. 17 years old. Junior. Crushing on __ (female friend). Played by:

? Rules ?
Follow these, and we should have NO problems! (=
1. Please no god-modding. I really hate this >.< And I'm positive I'm not the only one.
2. When using images, I'd much prefer if you used realistic, hm? After all, it is a realistic RP.
3. Use the character sheet I have provided for you, no changes to it.
4. OOC posts stay here, IC posts stay there.
5. No fighting with other players, it's immature and should stay in 3rd grade past.
6. Reservations will ONLY be held for 24 hours, unless you have a reasonable excuse I can work around.
7. It isn't a first come, first serve RP. If three people want to be the other twin, they can all turn in the sheets and I'll pick the best.
8. Post your favorite color at the end of your sheet, to let me know you read my rules and you understand them.
9. Semi-literate to literate RPers, or someone who can post at last more then one paragraph, and is very good at descriptions.
10. Have fun, any questions or comments, feel free to ask and let me know.

? Character Sheet ?

Code: Select all
[color=your choice][size=150][b][center]FULL NAME[/center][/b][/size][/color]
[right][img]IMAGE HERE[/img][/right]
[i]What you'd like to be called.[/i]
[i] Sophomore, Junior, Senior.[/i]
[i]Who your wanting. Copy and paste what's under characters above.[/i]
[i]Explain in detail here![/i]
[i]Also, explain well![/i]
[u][b] Appearance;[/b][/u]
[i]Be detailed, mention piercings, tattoos, etc.[/i]
[i]Who your crushing on.[/i]
[u][b]Extra Details;[/b][/u]
[i]Anything extra you would like to add?[/i][/size]

Mine will be posted shortly. Thank you!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/BsLuNdLG7Vw/viewtopic.php

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