I'm talking about those of us who chose to submit to royalty-paying digital first publishers like Etopia Press, Evernight Publishing, Siren-Bookstrand, Ellora's Cave, Carina Press, Silver Publishing, Breathless Press, Liquid Silver Books, and Samhain Publishing...just to name a few.
(I hope you have plenty of popcorn ready.)
Sure, there are differences between the publishers in the above list, and
others I haven't listed. I happen to be published with the first three. Feel free to add to the list if you'd like, and sing their praises! I haven't intentionally left anyone out. These were simply the names that came to me first.
I'm aware of the biases against e-publishers. I've had them thrown in my face in my real life by people I never thought would do so. In the cyber world, they've surfaced once again. Surprise, surprise. Same old song and dance. SSDD.
Imagine a cyber place where the spirit of community is touted, and where one is
encouraged to express and tolerate all opinions on a subject. But wait, there's a catch...this is the same place where submitting to digital first publishers and, upon acceptance of said submission, calling yourself a "writer," is akin to building a rocket ship out of Legos and calling yourself a "NASA engineer."
The horrors! You did WHAT? Oh no, I'm sorry. You can't play in the sandbox. You're not a REAL writer.
Community? Ah...not even close. Try closed-minded bullies who seriously need to get a life. Or get properly laid. Possibly both.
(Make more popcorn. It ain't over yet.)I'm aware of the pros and cons of signing with a digital first publisher. I'm living it, okay? I've been living it for over a year now. I've had my share of both "what the hell was I thinking?" and "I'm SO glad I did this!" moments.
I'm aware of the pros and cons of going the self-pubbed/indie route. I'm aware of the pros and cons of subbing to NYC.
We all are aware of the differences. Or at least we should be, by now. It's not brain surgery or rocket science. The info is out there. But just in case you're new to this and need a little help, here's a VIP - Very Important Tip...
No one on a message board holds the magical key that unlocks the secret vault where we'll find the hidden code that, once decoded, reveals the hiding place of THE ONE TRUE PUBLISHER/AGENT/EDITOR.
(You're shocked. I know. You thought that was real. Have more popcorn. It will help.)
I'll be fucking damned if ANYONE out there - unpublished writer, print published author, e-published author, self-published/indie author, PRO, PAN, PIP, PET, POD, agent, editor, or somewhere in between all of the above will DARE tell me I'm not a "real" writer.I signed a contract for every one of my twelve-soon-to-be-thirteen releases. A LEGAL
CONTRACT, people. Want to read them? I'll send you copies.I didn't pay for editing or cover art. And speaking of edits, my books go through several rounds. Yeah - several. Think the process is too fast with e-pubs and subsequently their books are crap? Go read one of mine. I'll wait...
I'm paid royalties every quarter. Yeah - actual money I make when readers buy my books. You know...like those "real" publishers pay.
(I would think a "professional" in the writing biz would take the time to educate his/herself about a huge chunk of this industry before spouting off and proving he/she has no fucking clue.)
The world has moved on, folks. There is no longer one narrow way to see your name on a book cover. Move with it, or get the fuck out of the way.And don't you DARE tell me I'm not "really" published. Who died and made you the decision maker on who is a real writer, or on which publishers are real publishers? Who the fuck do you think you are? Seriously?
Some people say the snarky elitist comments spring from spite or envy, or both. Personally, I think they spring from a
serious need to pull the long pole out of one's ass, or disengage one's head from that particular cavity, or perhaps both.Regardless, I'll thank you snarkers and self-titled know-it-alls to keep your narrow-minded nastiness on your side of the fence. I don't need it OR you in my life.
I've chosen this path and I'm very happy with it. I'd rather be here, writing and getting paid for the stories I adore creating, than be where you are.
Oh, and whatever path you've chosen or will choose to publication, let it be known to the snarkers and know-it-alls that I applaud you and support you! You'll always have a voice on THIS blog.
In closing, here's a little something to help you snarkers and know-it-alls pull out the poles and take your heads out of your asses.Oh, and if you ever do get properly laid, it'll help with that as well. Think of it as a free read.
Source: http://www.carolynrosewood.com/2012/07/potpourri-thursdays-real-writer.html
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