Sunday, September 23, 2012

Priebus touts GOP fundraising advantage

Elkhorn - Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, said in an interview Saturday that the GOP has 10 times the amount of money in the bank ready to be spent on the presidential campaign compared with what the Democrats have.

Citing financial figures compiled by the GOP staff, Priebus said: "This was a great week. The RNC has $77 million in the bank and the Democrats have $7 million."

Priebus also predicted that Mitt Romney would become the first Republican presidential candidate to win in Wisconsin since 1984. He declined to say by how much he thought Romney would win by in the state.

"As long as get our 10 electoral votes and don't have a recount, I'm happy," said Priebus, the former chair of the state GOP.

He made the statements before speaking at the GOP First District Fall Fest at the Wiswell Center on the Walworth County Fairgrounds. The annual event had been scheduled to be outdoors.

Scheduled speakers included Priebus; former Gov. Tommy Thompson, who is running for the U.S. Senate; and Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch

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