Moving away from Redding, our amazing first-home, our life-filled church, our strong community, my job ? my gym! What! NO! But yes, it was time to go. Our days of enjoying Shasta Lake was over. My ?safe? and incredibly energetic workplace of a gym, where trainers are gorgeous and look their part, and where my boss has always encouraged me ? guided me and taught me everything I know in fitness, all this I am leaving behind.
But when it?s time, it?s time! When God says GO ? we go.
Sacramento is not a small city. There is the area of Roseville, Elk grove, Natomas, Fair oaks, Rancho Cordova, Folsom, Eldorado Hills just t mention a few. Gyms like 24 Hour Fitness, Snap Fitness, The Daily Method and the big chain California Family Fitness that has 16 or so locations all over the city. As I am writing this I can feel the overwhelming sense of ?big city life? about to happen.
Me, I am a personal trainer, a passionate trainer, a loving trainer. I live to help people get FIT FOR LIFE! Not just physical health ? but body, soul and spirit health. I believe those all go together. But my expertise is on the physical part. The part where you get in your gym shoes and you get moving. Running, stretching, lifting iron, jumping, squatting, lunging, doing jumping jacks and dead lift like its going out of style. Yeah! So now I get to do all this, to live my life and my passion here in Sacramento and I am very excited about this.
Since unpacking our Uhaul its been 2 weeks now here in our new home. In that time I?ve been working on getting into our new routine of life. Some days all the sweat I could get to has been inside HIIT training, while the baby has been asleep. Other days we?ve been outside strolling and playing in the park, we have visited a few new and exciting gyms where equipment is covered in gold (not literally, just almost) and of course Wholefood-ing it up.
home hiit training
yankees Bb&t Maria Sibylla Merian Holly Sonders Pizza Lemon phillies
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