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Revitol stretch mark creams treat the marks caused during pregnancy. It is used to prevent the mark formation and also helps reducing the existing ones.
Source:Get Rid of Stretch Marks With Revitol Cream!
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Shocked, O?Connor and Spunt left no bottle unturned. If it went on their body (and thus, was absorbed into their skin and bloodstream), they researched it. As it turns out, many of those unpronounceable ingredients in your self-tanner and leave-in conditioner are not regulated and the ?natural? on your face wash doesn?t mean what you think it does.
Now, with the help of top scientists, dermatologists, and makeup artists, the authors share their compelling findings and the easy way to detoxify your beauty regimen. No More Dirty Looks also reveals the safest, most effective products on the market and time-tested home recipes. Finally, you don?t need to sacrifice health for beauty?because coming clean is the best look yet.
Ingredients, if provided on the product bottle, are usually in a fine print nearly indistinguishable without the aid of a magnifying device. Even so, a greater number of people are becoming interested in the ingredients in their body care products. In recent decades it has come to the public attention through media and news that certain chemicals commonly used in toothpastes, soaps, hair products and more are potentially dangerous to humans.
With that in mind, I?ve taken some time to compile this e-book of natural body and beauty care tips and recipes that you can easily do yourself at home for a fraction of the cost of store-bought products, and with added control over the quality and purity of the ingredients.
You will find:
Information on both common chemicals in beauty products & base ingredients for natural beauty
Information on general skin care tips
A great herbal facial steam and information on eye care
A list of recipes you can make yourself:
Body and face scrubs along with facial masks
Eye care recipes, bath melts, teas and soaks
Toners, mists, body butters, moisturisers and polishes
Underarm care and deodorants along with simple soaps and sanitisers
Lip, oral, foot and hair care
Massage oils and perfumes and scented waters
An introduction to basic first aid
Essential Oils Are a Natural and Effective Way to Look beautiful and claim your perfect health!
Do you want to find out how to create a healthier lifestyle for yourself and your family by using essential oils?
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Essential oils are natural oils that are extracted from plants.Unlike actual oils, essential oils do not contain fatty acids.
Instead, these are highly concentrated plant elements, which possess potent qualities for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.
Wide variety of essential oils are available for selections and each has its own distinct properties, finding the right one for you can be overwhelming.
Inside this book you will discover:
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? List of essential oils which are not good for skin.
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