Friday, August 3, 2012

Miley Cyrus Shows Off Fiance Jeans, Really Flat Stomach

She's merely posted for a few photographs, but Miley Cyrus has still managed to make a great deal of news this week.

First, the singer caused a debate over whether she should be Tweeting a shot of herself in a see-through dress to millions of followers. Then, a shot of Miley nude - in a bathtub - hit the Internet, despite the fact that it was snapped last year.

Now, the 19-year old has posted for a picture in what she dubs her "Fiance jeans." We're not sure what that means. But we are sure that she's sporting on SERIOUSLY flat stomach these days...

Miley Cyrus Stomach

Cyrus has battled eating disorder rumors in the past, snapping back at critics by explaining her gluten allergy.

We're not making any such suggestions here, but we are saying the star could afford to eat a few cheeseburgers. What do you think? Is Miley too thin?


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