Save your relationship! When you embark upon a relationship everything is wonderful, there is love in the air and everyday is to be cherished. After a while, once you know each other better and the relationship has lost its first flush of youth you stop?going on?dates as much as you used to, you start talking less and less, and you?sink into an existence that is nothing to do with life, it is just a routine. If left unchecked small issues can creep in which slowly start to spin out of control and before you know it you have split or are getting ready to divorce. Save your relationship!
Save your Relationship! Have you forgotten how to love one another, are you still bothered? I am not talking about all consuming passion, I am talking about those everyday gestures that say I care about you and I am here for you, showing that you value and cherish your partner, surely you had that at the start? When you stop communicating with each other, who is going to tell you how they feel? If there are problems then your lack of communication is going to exacerbate them, you or your partner will start thinking that they do not care, bitterness will settle in, the end?so why not save your relationship!
A partnership is made up of two equal partners, whatever is going on you are both in it together, talk about it (it won?t hurt), it is far easier dealing with a problem shared than bottling it up to yourself. All the good stuff that you get with a relationship does not come as a given right, you have to work for it but if you really care for your partner then surely its worth a little bit of effort? Be a rebel, save your relationship!
There needs to be trust in a relationship, both of you need to feel secure within it. It is an established fact that partners who hold each other in affection are better equipped to handle the occasional rocky patches that even the most perfect relationships can go through. Because they are communicating they are less likely to spark a defensive screaming match, they are more likely to draw their partner into find out what the problem is. Why not communicate and save your relationship!
O.K, you have some questions to ask and some soul searching to do. Is the relationship worth saving, has it reached the end of the road or is there something worth fighting for. If the love is still there then you need to identify where things are going wrong. Have a think about it yourself first but you will need to talk to your partner about it to get their perspective. Whatever you do, when you are discussing this do not let your emotions get the better of you, you will come across much stronger and your discussions will be a lot more constructive is you are not screaming at each other. Before you start make sure that you agree on one thing at least, and that is that the chances are that on some points you will disagree. You might be two halves of the same relationship but you are still individuals with your own viewpoints, whilst you might have to compromise there is no reason why you should surrender your own position. Find some kind of common ground which you are both happy with then you can rebuild from there. Think on it, but save your relationship!
You have to do this together, you cannot do it all yourself. If your partner will not co-operate in any way then it might be an idea to spend a short while apart. When you have gone then they will have a chance to appreciate what they have with you, if they still cannot appreciate you then you have to seriously consider whether it is worth carrying on. Work at it to save your relationship!
Everything will not miraculously change overnight it will take time. Take it slowly, if you rush at this you might?still have a kind of?relationship, but there could still be unresolved issues lurking away like a time bomb, just waiting to go of and put you through all this again. But where is the rush, if all goes well and you are meant to be then you will have the rest of your lives together. Once you are back together keep working at your relationship, do not let it slip again, stay together and save your relationship! I hope that it all works out for you, good luck!
Being a student of life I thought it about time to get my ideas down in the hope that they will help people with whatever difficulties they are facing. If you want to read further into the mysteries of understanding the opposite sex and relationships then my site might just be of interest to you. Whatever your situation I wish you luck.
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